Sunday, 26 July 2009

Day 237 - We're in!

237 working days and 538 calendar days from the start of the build back in February last year and we're finally in! The move went smoothly this weeked thanks to the great efforts of friends and family - many thanks once again to you all.

There is still a long list of work to be done on the house, especially in the garden, so I will keep posting our efforts here as they happen, albeit at a more relaxed frequency!

I have opened the blog up now to the public so you won't have to log in any more to get access. If anyone has any comments (or maybe even complaints!) please don't hesitate to drop me an email.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank:

  • our neighbours for their tolerance of the noise and mess, especially Roger and Sally at number 45 for their support, help and water supply!

  • friends and family for their support and kind words

  • my colleagues at ctm for putting up with me spending all my time running in and out and on the phone to suppliers, especially Andy for covering for my continual absence and bailing me out when I ran out of money

  • everyone who worked on the build, even those who cocked things up - we got there in the end, and some of you even got paid!

  • above all, Martha, for supporting me throughout the build and all the highs and lows, and for cheering me up by drawing funny pictures on my project whiteboard. Thank you, baby. I hope you like it.

1 x house. Done.

Next up: garden, garage, cats.
Next year: dogs, kids and maybe a Caterham!
