Friday, 10 July 2009

Day 225 - Building Regs Complete!

The building inspector came down this morning just as I was unpacking the juliet balcony. He examined my Heath Robinson trademark wheelchair ramp and was impressed! Eveything checks out just fine, and provided I get the balcony on by Monday (already done - see below) then we're officially complete! Woo-hoo!

The carpet has also gone down on the stairs this week and is looking fantastic, so this weekend its lots of cleaning, hovering etc. ahead of a possible move in a week or so's time.

Still left to do we have:

  • Fireplace install next Tuesday/Wednesday
  • Clean whole house, including windows
  • Take up temporary floor coverings
  • Finish, gloss and stain the various staircase parts still left, plus some skirting
  • Minor snags in the kitchen and utility
  • Outside hard landscaping for patio
  • Strimmer all the weeds and treat the fences
  • Take down the Site Saftey sign and entry gates
  • Officially put the house number on the front door!

Not much left to go now!

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