We found some root-ball privet going for a good price at the local garden centre on Sunday so we bought a batch to form the hedge behind the house. These arrived today by delivery, and we also got a viburnum and four box bushes too.
Bannold delivered the first of the stone today but forgot the main slabs so they'll be on their way to us first thing tomorrow. We have the kerb stones that will be used to edge all the beds to the front of the house and the black limestone sets that will form the path round the garden and the circular patio under the pergola.
The ground workers cleared the main garden of weeds today and scraped back the hard core ready for laying once the weather improves.
We've hit our first snag - the ground source heat pump manifold will need to be dropped down to accomodate the level of the path, but it's probably going to need some attention from my plumber to do so. Better not get that wrong else that's no hot water or heating!