Saturday, 13 June 2009

Day 204 - LEAK!

Matt the plumber and I worked on the rainwater harvester this morning. The electricians have been useless and not turned up for three days so I helped out by completing the wiring for the pump power and we were in business.

We powered up the control unit and, after a few trial runs messing with the float switch, the pump fired up and recycled rainwater came gushing out of the outside taps. Marvellous!

Except that when we closed the taps there was a loud wushing sound from inside the house. Panic! A leak! We quickly shut off the pump and found that water was pouring out from under the plasterboard in the corner of the lounge - right on top of my new wood floor!

Ten minutes later, a cup of tea on board and the expletives all used up we cut a few exploratory holes in the plasterboard to find the leak - and we did. The plaster boarders had put a screw right through the pipe. Nice.

Matt cut out the damaged pipe and put in a joint and I made good the plasterboard and replastered the damage.


Disaster averted we now have toilets that fill and flush, albeit with year old slightly brown and very smelly rainwater!

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