One of the features for the house that we've planned from the start was decorative bars for the sidelight windows either side of the front door. Now nobody can understand what I mean when I try to explain it so here's an example:

Now there aren't really any suppliers for this sort of thing any more, its more of a bespoke project, so I thought I'd have a go. I'm pretty handy with a jig saw - how hard could it be?

Well, after agreeing a design with The Boss, I mocked it up on my laptop and scaled it to fit the size of the windows. I printed it out on A4 sheets and then stuck them together with tape to make a full size template.

Next I used push pins to transfer the template to some MDF sheets, breaking the full pattern up into three secions to make life easier, then drew over the pin lines in pencil to give me a continuous cut line.

Jig saw time. I had to be quite careful to ensure that I didn't snap the fragile sections - I only bought enough wood for a single attempt!

I sanded them all down to remove any lumps and bumps and sharpened up the tight corners with a stanley blade, then two coats of undercoat and one of gloss.

Finally, with a little trimming of the ends to fit and a bead of white silicone to fix the finished article is in place. I need to touch them up slightly with some gloss now they're on but on the whole I think it is a success.
Job done!