I was on site with my spade from 7:30 this morning to lend a hand as they seem to have an allergy to digging holes. You can see from the pictures how the edge of the trench surrounding the foundations was right where the inside uprights needed to be so muggins here spent several hours digging through the hardcore to get them a level bottom.
I left site just as it started to rain (that'll teach them) and all things being well, they should be finished by close of play today. I'll pop over before it gets dark tonight to check on their progress.
I also took delivery this morning of a 16 cubic yard skip to contain all of the rubbish that the main build will generate and some roofers undercloak which the Potton team will use to wedge under the sole plates of the frame to level out any imperfections in the slab.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that we measured the slab yesterday to check the dimensions: it was correct to the nearest millimetre. Well done Supercrete!
All the effort has paid off.