Friday, 25 March 2011

Day 51 - Pigeon Spikes

We have had some trouble since the house was finished with doves nesting on our chimney and making one hell of a mess of the place as a result. I finally had enough last week and ordered up some pigeon spikes from an online specialist.

After an hour of scrubbing, scraping and pressure washing I had finally cleaned up the chimney and the floor beneath it. Totally covered in what I can best describe as "pigeon poop splash-back" I then briefly adjourned to clean up before I fixed the spikes in place.

The doves it turns out are not very happy about this turn of events and have been sitting on the roof making loud noises at me all day in protest.

I also filled in the vegetable bed today and worked in 180 litres of manure to improve the soil. Some of the plants have arrived from Mr Fothergills today so Martha and I can start planting up together tomorrow.

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Thursday, 24 March 2011

Day 50 - Grassy Knoll

Things have slowed down a bit recently since the groundworks were completed - its just me and Martha now.

Rupert lent a hand with the railway sleepers and we spent a very wet Sunday building the raised vegetable bed. I'm now in the process of filling it with what seems like an near infinite amount of topsoil...

The pier caps and coping stones for the wall arrived this week and Titch popped back to put them on for us. Very pleased, they look wonderful.

I have today and tomorrow off work to get some work done on the garden. Today the turf arrived for the lawn around 11.30 am after I spent the morning preparing the ground. Five barrow loads of weeds removed!

The lawn is now getting a thorough soaking to help it bed in, and after all that I think I may follow suit and find myself a nice, long bath!